A blog for convertible enthusiasts ! Cab 1 day, Cab always!
Here are some pictures of your windschott installed on my VW 1303 LS convertible.
Just a small remark: the springs of the retractable rods could be a bit stiffer. The windschott has a lateral play of more than 1 cm on these rods, so they come out of their housing quite easily if you manipulate the top joint. This one being rightly firm so that it doesn’t bend while riding, it pulls on the side bindings that sometimes get out of place. Nothing serious, but I learned not to manipulate the top part too much when riding.
You can find this windproof and windbreaker net in the ComptoirDuCabriolet.com online shop. If you are interested in this windschott, it is here !
In VW 1303 EN
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